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Sophia & Oliver

We Are Getting Married November 15,2024

Sophia Miles

We look forward to building a life filled with love and countless memories. We are excited to share our joy.

Oliver Zonas

We look forward to building a life filled with love and countless memories. We are excited to share our joy.

Our Story

How It Happened

22 Feb, 2019

How we meet

Met in New York when their mutual friends hosted a pregame before the biggest summer concert of 2014. As their friends filed out of the apartment and into their rides to the show

02 Nov, 2020

He proposed, I said Yes

It was a moment I had eagerly anticipated, and when he asked, "Will you marry me?" I couldn't contain my happiness. With a resounding "Yes!" and a kiss that sealed our commitment

14 Feb, 2022

Our Engagement Day

Our engagement day was a dream come true, a day etched in our hearts forever. He had planned every detail, ensuring it would be a moment we'd cherish for a lifetime.

Important Persons

Bridesmaids & Groomsmen

Jenny Wilson


Robert Fox


Annette Black


Jenefer Abram


Are You Attending?

    Our Wedding

    When & Where

    The Reception

    The Ceremony

    • 3:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    • Washington Ave. Manchester, 39495
    • +1 234-567-8910
    • See Location

    The Party